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Found 29498 results for any of the keywords parish archive. Time 0.013 seconds.
Deddington History - Parish ArchiveThe Parish Archive consists of books, photographs, documents and other paper-based items donated by local parishioners. It does not contain any artifacts. It is run by a group of interested volunteers. If you have an enq
Deddington History - Parish Archive RegisterSearching for any of our hundreds of items is best done using the Search facility.
Deddington History - Site Map
Deddington History - HomeDeddington - at one time Daedintun - means ‘the place of the people of Daeda’ - an early Saxon Lord.
Deddington History - HomeDeddington - at one time Daedintun - means ‘the place of the people of Daeda’ - an early Saxon Lord.
Deddington History - A Parish at WarIn the course of the research it was discovered that there were 25 men who had died for their country whose names are not on the original War Memorial. A decision was made to use the profit from sale of the book to pay f
Deddington History - Census and Population RecordsParish RegistersFrom 1631 can be found HERE
Deddington History - Between the WarsTwo of the references are books which view the parish from quite different perspectives. George Harris grew up in an agricultural working-class family living in a small cottage with an earth floor. Barbara Hodges was a d
Deddington History - Wilkins, Joseph (1820-1891)Click on all images to see bigger versions. They are large pdfs so take time to download
Deddington History - Harper Family TreeAll Judith's ancestors are depicted as spokes on a wheel together with the surrounding villages in which they lived; all within about 15 miles so a day's return journey by horse.
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